onsdag 15 februari 2023

Paludan avslöjar för amerikansk media hur polisen förbjöd honom personligen att bränna Koranen framför Turkiets ambassad


"Paludan discusses his plans for future action

Well, I mean, I have vowed that I would burn a Koran in front of the Turkish Embassy in Copenhagen every Friday until Erdogan let Sweden enter NATO. So, in fact, it’s the fault of Erdogan if I have to burn a Koran. 

Now, I didn’t get to do that last Friday because the Security Service pulled me away for some reason. But instead, I plan on doing it on Wednesday. And that is very interesting. There is a great concern in the United States that Sweden is now the target of potential terrorist attacks. And certainly, that is a concern."

"When will you be holding another Qur’an burning at the Turkish Embassy

The Copenhagen police denied me the right to burn the Koran in front of the Turkish Embassy. Anybody else could do it; I couldn’t do it. And it will probably be the same on Friday because there are quite a lot of terrorists looking for me now. So I think Sweden and Denmark are quite concerned, in general, about the threats from Muslim terrorists against our countries. But I have pronounced that on Friday, it will not necessarily be burning. Rather, I will use bacon, very clean meat, to clean out the Quran. Because if you smear raw bacon on the Quran, you will actually clean it and make it purer."

Källa 15 februari 2023:

Politician Who Burned the Quran and Set the Islamic World On Fire: 'I have Proven Again, That People All Over The World, Are Not The Same' (Interview) - RAIR (rairfoundation.com)

Två videointervjuer med Paludan:

Politician Who Burned the Quran and Set the Islamic World On Fire: 'I have Proven Again, That People All Over The World, Are Not The Same' (Part 1) (rumble.com)

Politician Who Burned the Quran and Set the Islamic World On Fire: 'I have Proven Again, That People All Over The World, Are Not The Same' (Part 2) (rumble.com)

En god kristen – Frihedens Stemme

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