fredag 20 september 2024

Vad hände 12 april 1950 och 27 juli 1952?


'Reality Check': Astronomer discusses reappearing UFOs over DC | Morning in America (

Ross Coulthart: astrónoma habla sobre la reaparición de OVNIs en Washington DC | Morning in America (

Beatriz Villarroel habla de su descubrimiento de 9 objetos transitorios/posibles FANIs en el espacio (

"Ross Coulthart speaks with physicist and astronomer Dr. Beatriz Villarroel to discuss her discovery of nine "transient" objects in space that seemed to disappear and reappear on April 12, 1950, before any man-made objects went into orbit. Villarroel discusses ruling out natural explanations, the VASCO project, the European Crash Retrieval Initiative, proving the 1952 Washington DC Flap, Donal Menzel infamously destroying 1/3 of the plate collection from the Harvard database and stigmas as a female Scientist in the UFO field."


Physicist: Space objects appeared, disappeared years before first satellites | Reality Check (

Mystery Objects and the Donald Menzel Conspiracy | Richard Dolan Show w/Dr. Beatriz Villarroel (

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