lördag 24 juli 2021

Historiker har gjort 32 nya avsnitt i TV om ufo

"A Demonstration of Power? - UAP are Deactivating Missile Defense Systems!... Richard Dolan TV Series

18 401 visningar    
Hade premiär 23 juli 2021
398 000 prenumeranter
In this Inaugural Launch of Richard Dolan’s UFO Chronicles Series, Richard examines reported incidents of UFO's shutting down U.S. military missiles, along with Ronald Reagan's UFO experiences, the incredible Travis Walton alien abduction incident, the U.S. governments attempt to remote view UFO's and alien bases, strange UFO encounters, secret advanced technologies, the incredible UFO dogfight over Iran, President Jimmy Carter's UFO sighting, information from whistleblowers on early UFO crashes, their occupants and an alien autopsy on film, the shooting of an alien at a U.S. military base, naval UFO sightings and a mysterious man who delivered a message of warning to Navy crewmen before vanishing and the strange alien visit to a school in Africa."


A Demonstration of Power? - UAP are Deactivating Missile Defense Systems!... Richard Dolan TV Series - YouTube

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