lördag 20 mars 2021

British Council lär skolelever intervjua människor som förts bort av utomjordingar


This role-play can be used with learners when covering the topic of aliens, for the practice and revision of narrative tenses or as a lead in to writing newspaper ...

"Alien abduction

This role-play can be used with learners when covering the topic of aliens, for the practice and revision of narrative tenses or as a lead in to writing newspaper stories.


Richard Frost



Half the learners will need a copy of the Student A worksheet each, and half the learners a copy of the Student B worksheet each.


  • Draw a map of England on the board and highlight the fictional town of Huntingdugton. Tell the learners that it is famous for UFO (unidentified flying objects) sightings.
  • Give half the learners a copy of the Student A worksheet, and half the learners the Student B worksheet.
  • Ask learners to read the short newspaper story (this is the same on both worksheets) and ask them what happened on that particular night. Check everybody understands the story."
  • Källa:
  • https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/alien-abduction
© The British Council, 2017 The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity. 

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